Настоящим KNM Process System Sdn. Bhd. (Малайзия) выражает благодарность ООО "Тегас" (Промышленная Группа "Тегас") за благополучное проектирование, изготовление, поставку и ввод в эксплуатацию станции производства азота ТГА-3,33/10 Э99 и воздушной компрессорной станции ТГА-8,34/8 Э с парком ресиверов общим объемом более 160 м3 по договору № 12401495 YE 00002 от 21 декабря 2012 года.

Industrial Group) for the satisfactory execution of the design, manufacture, supply and commissioning
of the nitrogen generation package TGA-3,33/10 E99 and air compressor package TGA-8,34/8 E with
a fleet of receivers of total volume exceeding 160 m3 under the Contract № 12401495 YE 00002
dated December 21, 2012.
At the present moment the above-listed equipment is operating within the difficult climate conditions
of Kyzyl Kum desert, Bukhara region, the Republic of Uzbekistan, where the dust storms are a
common occurrence and the ambient air temperature in summer may reach + 50 0C. The equipment
supplied by Tegas incorporating appropriate designs for the air treatment has been able to meet the
requirements of the harsh environment including protection from the dusty ambient air.
Also, we would like to thank the specialists of the service department, Tegas, LLC for the supervision
of the project execution works at the site on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for about five
From our experience working with Tegas, we believe they have the necessary specialists who are able
to implement difficult international projects in the sphere of air treatment and nitrogen generation
units and systems.